O'Chiese First Nation School Ne Sah Soh Is Koh Dahn School (The 7th Fires)
O’Chiese School Re-Entry 2021-2022
Alberta students will return to school for fall 2021. Parents, students and school staff can look forward to many classroom and school activities as they did before the pandemic, such as sports and extracurricular activities.
Consistent with the extended timelines for easing COVID-19 measures, the following actions will continue:
- Students and staff should screen daily for symptoms using the Alberta Health Daily Checklist
- Isolate if they have core COVID-19 symptoms or test positive
- Follow best practices to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses
School Registration
School registration has been extended and run for two weeks, which will start on August 16th, 2021 and go until August 27th, 2021. The purpose of the extended registration is to allow parents/guardians to come into the school to ensure we are all social distancing.
Required documents when registering students:
- Status Card (if a student has one)
- Alberta Health Card
- Birth Certificate
Students who are returning, parents/guardians need to fill out new registration forms this year due to needing updated contact information.
New registrations, parents/guardians will have to come in and register their children and also bring in the documentation listed above.
School Start Date
The school plans on welcoming all students back:
- Students who will be in grades kindergarten to grade 12 will start school on August 30, 2021.
- We will be having students attend everyday this year.
Students, teachers, staff and visitors must follow provincial requirements for masks:
- Masks remain mandatory for students, staff members and visitors on school buses, public transit, taxis and ride-sharing.
- It is required, that all students, staff members and visitors wear masks while in indoor shared areas of school and outside the classroom.
Daily School Routine
As usual, the school will open every day at 8:00am, with a class start at 9:00am and school for the students will be finished at 4:00pm.
Staff will be visible in all areas of the school to ensure there is social distancing.
Lunch hour will be staggered and will consist of three separate lunch times to ensure social distancing in the lunch area. The lunch recess will consist of three separate times for each class to ensure social distancing. A schedule will be made for staff to follow. Students will wash their hands prior to going for lunch and sanitize their hands when they come back in from recess. After each lunch session is completed, our day time custodian will sanitize all lunch tables prior to the next group entering.
We are welcoming all students back August 30th, 2021 back full time. Unlike last year, we had two groups. This year, we encourage all students to attend every day to help improve students’ mental health, and get students back on track with their education.
Each classroom has been given a bottle of hand sanitizer, which they will use throughout the day. The hand sanitizer will be refilled on a daily basis. They also will have their own wall sanitizer.
When students get off the bus in the morning, staff will be out at the bus stop (at the school) to ensure students are getting off the bus properly and social distancing is happening. Students will then proceed to their entrance doors where a stand-alone hand sanitizer will be placed and students must sanitize their hands to enter the school. At the end of the school day, students will also sanitize their hands keep six feet apart and make their way to the school buses.
Devices in the School
The following have already been purchased:
- 4-20L pails of hand sanitizer (gel style)
- 6-4L pump jugs for around the school
- Stationary wall hand sanitizers by the library, kitchen, gymnasium and both the student’s bathrooms plus each classroom will have one
- 60 shields for staff and the adults to wear in the school
- Disposable masks
- Reusable masks
- 4 stand-alone hand sanitizer stations
- Lysol Wipes
- Mr. Clean
- Spray bottles
- 5 Temperature gauges (This is to check the temperature of the student as they get on the bus). We also want to have 2 at the school to monitor students throughout the day.
- Plexi-glass for the secretary in the front office as well as for the bus drivers. The plexi-glass for the bus drivers will be place behind their seat.
- Day time custodians
To ensure the safety of everyone we do ask if possible drop your child(ren) off, but if that is not possible the following will occur;
School Bus
If the child is the first person to be picked up, their temperature will be taken and if their temperature is between 36.0 degrees Celsius and 38.0 degrees Celsius, they will be asked to go to the back of the bus. If a child has a temperature over 38.0 degrees Celsius, they will not be permitted on the bus. This will happen at every spot and the child must abide by what seat the bus driver tells them to sit. Children/students start loading from the back seats to the front of bus. Where feasible, limit the number of students per bench unless from the same household. Students from the same household may share seats. Students start unloading from the front seats to the back of bus. When they get off at the school, the bus driver will have the students in the front get off the bus first and in an orderly fashion. Once the bus is empty it will be cleaned down and be ready for pick up at the end of the day. Due to Alberta regulations, until further notice, students MUST wear a mask on the bus.
Drop off/Pick Up
This zone will be in front of the school. The parent/guardian can enter the school area at the bus gate, drop their child/children off at the front doors and exit out the main gate. School staff will be at the front doors between 8:30am and 9:00am waiting for student’s arrival. They will be able to take their temperature there. If arriving after 9:00am, we ask that students report to the office for administration or the receptionist to take their temperature.
We are also asking parents/guardians to ask their children every morning the standard screening questions.
This will be provided to them when they register their child/children for school.
If a child’s temperature changes throughout the day at school and they are showing signs or symptoms, we will immediately contact the parent to have them come and pick up their child. We will also contact the Health Center to let them know.
School Activities
There are no specific restrictions or requirements for school activities and services. However, masks should be worn on school buses.
Schools may continue with activities as they normally would, including (but not limited to):
- Field trips
- Music, singing, dancing, theatre
- Sports
- Visitors to the school
- Food services
- Student transportation
- Work experience
- Ceremonies
- Graduations
Staying Home When Sick
Before leaving home, staff, students and visitors should assess whether they feel well enough to attend school for any reason. Parents/guardians should assess their children daily for any new signs or symptoms of illness using the Alberta Daily Health Checklist. If a student or staff member has any of the following core COVID-19 symptoms (new, or worsening and not related to other known causes), they are required to isolate for 10 days from onset of symptoms, or until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result, as per provincial guidelines:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Loss of sense of smell or taste
- Sore throat (adults only)
- Runny nose (adults only)
Please stay home if you are not feeling well.
All staff and students born in 2009 or earlier (turning 12+) can get the COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines help prevent infection and severe illness. All vaccines are safe, effective and save lives. Immunizations will be available for students in Grades 7 to 12 as well as teachers and staff. Students under 18 will not be vaccinated wit?
The O’Chiese First Nation believes in implementing culturally integrated programs and services for its members. Our mission is to promote and embrace effective programs and services to strengthen our community.
- Elders Tea-Monthly
- Boys drumming during Saulteaux
- Swimming Lessons K5-5 (6 Lessons each)
- Downhill Skiiing Lessons and Cross Country
- Foods Program
- Nutrition Programs with O’Chiese Nutritionist
- Daily breakfast and lunch
- Reading Buddies
- Family Night (monthly)
- Me 2 We
- Work Experience with O’Chiese Fire Department
- After School Sports-Floor hockey, volleyball & sports night
- YCHomes 101&102 (Apprenticeship Program)
- Girls making traditional dresses
- Inline Skating K5-12
- High School Team Building
- Health Programs through O’Chiese Health Centre
- Elders in the school
- Monthly awards
- Wildlife -Land based learning
- Girls Group (monthly)
- Technology programs for kids
- Class Field Trips
- Caught you being Good-7 Native Teachings
Councillors Barry Saulteaux and Sandra Beaverbones inspecting the newly installed solar panels on the roof of the O’Chiese School