What Our Nation has Done for You!
As a Community Member, Individually:
- Per Capita Distribution for the past 7 years for each band member
- Settled a land claim in 2006 a one time per capita distribution for every band member born prior to April 30, 2007
- Host information meetings for both on and off reserve band members regularly and dinners
- Access to prenatal care, vaccinations, nurses, doctors, transportation for medical
- Education Opportunities: through O’Chiese school, Post secondary applications accepted annually through YTC and UCEP as well as job training opportunities offered regularly
- Numerous volunteer opportunities throughout each department with O’Chiese First Nation
- Annually small business grants are available of up to $20,000 per application & upon approval
- Job Opportunities: jobs posted on website and in the band office to decrease social assistance dependency
As an Employee:
- Job Opportunities
- Training opportunities offered regularly in house and out of house (ie. safety training, Noris Penny, etc)
- Staff retreats and treaty day festivities
- Numerous volunteer opportunities throughout each department with O’Chiese First Nation
- Annual staff party and Awards recognition ceremony
As an Elder:
- Summer trip: past trips include Las Vegas, Mystic Lake, Coeur d’Alene and Calgary stampede
- Low user fee housing and electrical and heating costs are waived
- Elders involvement encouraged and supported at all meetings and gatherings
- O’Chiese hosts Elders information meetings to maintain communication and guidance
- Numerous volunteer opportunities throughout each department with O’Chiese First Nation
- Treaty day festivities, including free helicopter rides
- Sundances
- Feasts
For the Youth and Future Generations:
- Yearly youth travel: some include Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Albuquerque, Vegas, Disney Land
- Financially fund sports opportunities for our youth band members
- Education opportunities: O’Chiese School and YTC partnership funding applications
- Annual Christmas Concert at the O`Chiese School & Awards & monthly attendance awards
- Graduation incentives: High School $500, Diploma $700 and a Degree $1000
- Youth registered as of April 30, 2007 receive $5000 as they turn 18 years old from the land settlement
For the Community:
- Building a community centre, Pow wow grounds, truck stop, daycare and headstart centre (creates jobs)
- Building & Creating Training & Job Opportunities : ie: Business Investment Centre
- Creating new business for jobs: ie: Enterprise 203, Gas Bar, Sand & Gravel
- Continuing to offer programs: health, social development, parenting, employment, ed., housing
- Upgrading roads, houses and buildings and building and buying more houses on and off reserve
- Bought a Coach Bus for traveling long distances
- Communication through website, newsletters, staff meetings, managers meetings, on and off reserve meetings, and community meetings
What YOU can do for YOUR COMMUNITY:
- Graduate
- Obtain and maintain employment
- Volunteer
- Make and update your resume
- Contribute culturally
- Care for your families
- Care for your pets
- Continue personal self growth
- Attend community meetings, stay informed
- Attend school meetings
- Attend cultural events
- Read your newsletter and website
- Be positive and encouraging
This is our community and we can be a functioning, vibrant community that is empowered to achieve all the goals that we want when we work together.